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Tänkvärde citat

Skapad av Hansomundrar, 2015-05-12 15:42 i Mellan Himmel och Jord

2 616
17 inlägg
10 poäng
Kändis 44 inlägg
Kan ni snälla posta tänkvärda citat och ordspråk? Alltså som får än att tänka om angående livet eller liknande typ! gärna på engelska!

Are you living or just alive?

Är reklamen ivägen? Logga in eller registrera dig så försvinner den!

P 32 Hjälte 3 487 inlägg
Hellre en tårta i vasken än en vårta på tasken.

Ingen status

P 32 Linköping Hjälte 3 334 inlägg
He is really not so ugly after all, provided, of course, that one shuts one's eyes, and does not look at him.

Some poeple cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.

Shaving is only for men who swim in the olympics.

F Kändis 120 inlägg
Det handlar inte om vem man saknar kl 2 på natten när man är ensam, de handlar om vem man saknar kl 2 på dagen när man är upptagen.

Tänkvärt eller inte,, idk

Ingen status

F Kändis 187 inlägg
Till en tatuering eller till Instagram? :D

"Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Jodorowsky

"Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world." - Schopenhauer

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Einstein

Hursomhelst är citat lite som att försöka få motivation till att t.ex. träna genom att kolla på en video på Youtube, hela grejen är väldigt kortvarig.

F 28 Stockholm Hjälte 5 676 inlägg

Svar till Hansomundrar [Gå till post]:
"Clever Ain't Wise".

P Rönninge Hjälte 3 815 inlägg
Vem vaktar väktarna?

Hatar allt.

P 28 Uppsala Hjälte 2 292 inlägg

Svar till Hansomundrar [Gå till post]:
"It is no measure of health to be welladjusted to a profoundly sick society" -Jiddu Krishnamurti

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both" Dwight D. Eisenhower

tänk på ett pålägg

P 28 Norrtälje Kändis 111 inlägg

Svar till BraSma [Gå till post]:
hellre en rövare i poolen än en polare i röven!

Nämen åh, nämen hej ;)

P 32 Hjälte 3 487 inlägg

Svar till puddii [Gå till post]:
Hellre hängmatta i parken än hängpattar till marken.

Ingen status

P 31 Falun Hjälte 8 307 inlägg
"Gå fort och le mycket, så är det ingen som märker att du är ful".

"Din mamma spelar keyboard i Hammerfall." - Sharlee D'Angelo

P 26 Hjälte 817 inlägg

Svar till Hansomundrar [Gå till post]:
"How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

-Jaden Smith

Sram te bilo

P -990 Bergkvara Hjälte 5 452 inlägg

Tillägg av Snopp 2015-05-13 23:18

Men... va?

F 27 Hjälte 193 inlägg

Svar till Hansomundrar [Gå till post]:
Bärs som bärs, det smakar ju lika

the kristet utseende är källan till all visdom.

fick du det för din mamma?

Kändis 41 inlägg

Svar till Hansomundrar [Gå till post]:
"Rather judged by 12 then carried by 6"

"Don't roll the Dice if you can't pay prise"

"Don't belive eveything you hear Real Eyes, Realize, real lies"

"You are truly lost when the fear of god not longer exists within you'r heart"

"A thug changes, and love changes, and bestfriends become strangers"

"Money's just papers, but it affect people like poetry"

"I gotta stop treating people like i owe them something"

"There was a time when i was alone, no place to go and no place to call home"

"We're born alone. We live alone. We die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for a moment that we're not alone"

"The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think"

"Never have i dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul"

"Monster don't sleep under your bed they sleep inside your head"

"Guilt is a gift from god warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul"

"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest"

"Let them talk"

"People get fake when shit gets real"

"Everybody's a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit"

"Fuck the world. Don't ask me for shit and everything you get you got to work hard for it"

"Be prepared for the worst but expect the best"

"JESUS: if the world hates you, remember that it hated me first"

"I'm mostly to myself not because i'm anti-social, it's because i found out the hard way muthafuckaz ain't shit"

"Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me"

"Money bring bitchez, bitchez bring lies"

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take"

"Never trade your respect for attention"

"Never let an old flame burn you twice"

"Sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to just stop caring"

"Stars can't shine without darkness"

"You can buy more whatches, but you can't buy more time"

"The sky is not the limit. The limit is your vision"

"I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death"

"Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will"

"You gotta be able to smile through the bullshit"

"I learned to give not because i have many but because i know exactly how it feels to have nothing"

"He who kneels befor god can stand before anyone"

"I wish i could take the pain away, if you can make it trough the night there's a brighter day. Everything Will be alright if ya hold on it's a struggle every day, gotta roll on"

"When the rich wage war it's the poor who die"

"Kill them with success and bury them with a smile"

"Smile now, cry later"

"You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts"

"Money only changes those who aint use to getting it"

"Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers"

"Invest in your dream. Grind now. Shine later"

"Everyone is deep but most are afraid to dive"

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings"

"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man"

Throw me to the wolfs and i will return leading the pack"

"Need new haters! The old ones are starting to like me"

"Life always offers you a second chance it's called tomorrow"

"If you risk nothing you gain nothing"

"We're all addicted to something that takes the pain away"

"Stop trying to fit in when you we're born to stand out"

"We're all in the same game, just diffrent levels. Dealing with the same hell, just diffrent devils"

"Don't waste Words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all"

"If someone won't lift a finger to call you, see you, and spend time with you, it's time for you to lift 5 fingers and wave goodbye"

"You have to go through the worst, to get to the best"

"If you don't fight for what you want don't cry for what you lose"

"You can't always be nice, that's how people take advantage of you"

"Laugh with many but don't trust any"

"I got my own back covered"

"Life is a bitch so learn how to fuck it"

"The less people you chill with, the less bullshit you deal with"

"Better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face, than a friend who stabs you in the back"

"Me against the world"

"Be all in or get all out there is no halfway"

"Fuck what they think"

"Sometimes, opening your eyes may be the most painful thing you ever have to do"

"The eyes, chico. They never lie"

Hate to sound sleazy, but tease me, i don't want it if it's that easy"

"I fear that even my heart will turn to ice.. A cold heart feels no pain"

"Painless but kind to you"

"If you are born poor it's not you fault. But if you die poor it's your fault"

"Get rich or die trying"

"Same old shit, just a diffrent day, out here tryna get it, each and every way"

"There are two types of pains, one that hurts you and the other that changes you"

"Sometimes people with the worst pasts end up creating the best futures"

"I've learned more in the streets than in any classroom"

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me"

"I always tell the truth even when i lie"

"Push it to the limit"

"Fuck all y'all"

Hustle until you no longer have to introduce yourself"

"Have more than you show. Speak less than you know"

P 32 Hjälte 287 inlägg
"I will move to Copenhagen and apply for Swedish citizenship."
- Matti Nykänen

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